Using Garment

Garment is a library of tasks to be used from within a `Fabric file`_.

Installing Garment

To install garment we recommend using pip to install it into a virtualenv:

pip install garment

Once installed you will be able to use garment in your

Creating the Fabric file

At the root of your project create a file named and add the following line to it:

from garment import *

You can now add any other tasks you want into your file, using all the power of Fabric.

Create your configuration

See the Deployment Strategy documentation to understand how garment approaches the deployment process and then see the Deployment Configuration documentation for information on how to build a configuration.

Deploying your application

Now that you have installed, setup and configured garment you can use Fabric to run a deployment. Let’s say you wanted to deploy to staging, you would run:

deploy staging

The above uses the deploy script we ship with garment. You can also invoke Fabric directly:

fab deploy:staging

Runtime commands

Garment provides a number of functions for managing your project’s deployment, to see all of them ask Fabric for a list:

fab -l

Including or Excluding steps

Sometimes you may want to only run some of the steps in your deployment. For example, perhaps you’re iterating over a new piece of functionality and want to share your designs with other team members but these changes don’t require anything other than deploying the files (ie. you can skip the DB migrations, environment update, requirement installation, etc). To accomplish this you can use either the include or exclude parameters to the deploy function. They are mutually exclusive and you can only use one of them.

Both include and exclude take a comma separated list of step ids. As Fabric also uses commas you must quote & escape them:

fab deploy:staging,exclude='virtualenv\,install\,django_db'